Search Results for: podcast

Model United Nations for Homeschoolers

Is your homeschool student interested in current affairs, government, or politics? Did you know they could participate in a Model UN? Read to learn more!

STEM Activities for Homeschoolers

Looking for STEM homeschool opportunities? It's a real-world method for preparing students to critically think on multiple levels. Read more for fun activities!

Homeschool vs Online School Differences

Online schools and homeschool are similar because they take place in the safety of your home. However, they are not the same. Discover the differences here!

Episode 74: Help for Homeschool Burnout

Over the years in speaking with homeschooling parents, I’ve heard the phrase, “Homeschooling is making me depressed,” more than once from a discouraged homeschool mom. And yet, the majority of those homeschooling parents felt a lack of energy and inspiration specifically during the winter months! Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a harsh reality for many […]

Faith-Based Homeschooling

Homeschooling has roots in the core belief that the responsibility of educating a child rests on the parent’s shoulders. Likewise, for those that desire Christian homeschooling or faith-based homeschooling, that core belief extends to the education itself. Especially with the knowledge that we impart to our children. In fact, the “what” and “why” we homeschool […]

Get Ready to Vote — for Writing!

Did you know your kids can use their election knowledge to improve their writing skills? Read on to find some amazing ideas to jump-start an election study.

Episode 73 Advice for Homeschooling During the Holidays

With the holidays upon us, many of us feel more stressed than usual.  There are numerous holiday events, relatives to see, places to visit, and gift shopping and preparation to get done.  Most of us wonder about holiday homeschooling. How to homeschool amid everything? The holidays are a great time to take off from structured […]